Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PR Professionals to Help With America's Financial Crisis

The United States' stock market has taken a serious blow this past week and with this uneasiness that Americans face right now with Wall Street and the banking industry it is now important for the public relations practitioners of these industries to step in and ease Americans.
Some public relations practitioners of financial service companies that still are in good standing now face a lot of work because it is up to them to let their clients feel safe about the company that they are invested in. In this article, Sarah Bulgatz, director of corporate PR at Charles Schwab, has had to reach out to her consumers through multiple communication channels by reassuring that they should continue to invest in Charles Schwab and that there company should help them through this situation.
PR practitioners in companies like this are very important right now to further prevent any crises from happening and to make sure not to lose any consumers from being unaware of any knowledge that they might not know. Bulgatz and other PR professinals must make sure that their customers are well informed so that the public and their consumers do not lose trust in their own company.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Disney Parks

When one thinks about a fun theme park for anyone to have a good time, then the first place that pops into your head is usually Walt Disney World. I found this article, about how in 2009, if one goes to a Disney Park and its their birthday then they will get in for free. As I read this article, it made me really think about what a great job Walt Disney theme parks have done over the years to maintain success at the two major theme parks in America. Of course, there would be none of this success if it also was not for the help of some great public relations practitioners that find ways to reach out to their audience they are trying to target. Take this opportunity that they are offfering by allowing anyone to get into Walt Disney World Resort or Disneyland Resort theme park on their birthday, the public relations practitioners for Disney were looking for a way to not only reward people by helping to celebrate their birthdays, but they were also trying to find a way to boost ticket sales. Even though the person who has a birthday gets in for free, this does not mean that they will want to celebrate their birthday at a fun theme park by themselves. This means that whoever goes with the one celebrating their birthday will need to buy a ticket. Clearly, this was a great idea on the part of the public relations practitioners behind Disney World because now not only will children and adults have a reason to go to Disney on their birthday, but they will not be coming alone and it is another incentive for ticket sales to be boosted.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

MWW Group

I found an article on Wall Street Journal about MWW Group, one of the nation's top ten public relations firms, and how it had just recently announced that it added Paul Taylor Dance Company to its client roster. The Paul Taylor Dance Company is world known as a major dance company and is one of my favorite companies. In the article it talks about how MWW Group is going to lead a public relations campaign for the Paul Taylor Dance Company to reach dance enthusiasts while reaching new audiences and to increase attendance at performances. MMW Group will also be in charge of promoting Taylor's U.S. world tours. After reading this article, I decided to check out MMW Group's website and it was very interesting to see the range of just how many clients they help with public relations including clients from McDonalds, Target, Sara Lee and even The Paul Taylor Dance Company. Their website also includes the different areas in which they have expertise in...which is a lot! After exploring their site, I can see why they are one of the nation's leading public relations firms. You should go check out their site and they even offer some internships through their firm.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Public Relations Involved in Political Campaigns

This time of year marks the political season with anticipation to the upcoming election of possible political candidates. With any political candidate that is running for any seat in a particular area whether it be local, state or national there is no type of real political campaign without public relations involved. Of course, there will be a much higher standard of how the public relations practitioner will be involved for a national political campaign compared to a local political campaign, but some of the same PR techniques apply in both circumstances. I thought this article was very relevant considering the political election environment our country is in right now and as my group and I begin to help Philip Joiner with his political campaign locally.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

PR Across the World

As I read this article, I thought it was very interesting because the image of German wine was not good and was in turn hurting the wine industry in Germany. The producers of the wine had to get to the bottom of why there was a bad reputation of their wine and turn this image around. This was a PR crisis for the producers of the wine because until they were able to figure out a way to better represent their product of wine to consumers, then there would never be a successful image of German wine. I like this article because it shows how the producers had to be flexible and be willing to adapt and try different approaches to make their image of wine more successful. The article gives a synopsis of what the image of German wine image used to be and then showed how the producers put into a plan of action of how to change this image. I think this is really important for any PR professional because if a crisis occurs when handling any type of job relating to PR then one must be able to be flexible and work around the problem.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

PR in Dance!

My dream job when I graduate would involve being a public relations practitioner for a major dance company. I would love to be able to be around great choreographers and dancers while still being able to work for them. Since I have a background of having danced for many years, I feel I could better relate and share experiences from a dancer's perspective, as well. I was really excited when I found this article about dance PR because this is exactly what I want to be able to do. I especially like the fact that she got to work with celebrity choreographer Mia Michaels, who is from my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Tips on PR Budgets

I came across this article and found it to be very helpful, especially since our PR Administration class is in the process of working with a budget for our first upcoming event that we are trying to plan. I also liked how the author mentions what should be done when working on a budget. He also lists what should not be done. This article is a good tool to go by to make sure that as we work on the beginning budget for our event, we stay on track.
