Tuesday, September 2, 2008

PR in Dance!

My dream job when I graduate would involve being a public relations practitioner for a major dance company. I would love to be able to be around great choreographers and dancers while still being able to work for them. Since I have a background of having danced for many years, I feel I could better relate and share experiences from a dancer's perspective, as well. I was really excited when I found this article about dance PR because this is exactly what I want to be able to do. I especially like the fact that she got to work with celebrity choreographer Mia Michaels, who is from my favorite show, So You Think You Can Dance.



Ginger Carter Miller said...

Tamlyn - edit this post so the article is listed/linked. It's not there.

P.S. Interesting picture..remind me to ask you about it...

Mitchell Davis said...

So would you like to dance and do PR or just do PR for a dance school? It seems like with your background and interest in the subject you should be able to enjoy a job in that field for years. Wonderful picture too!

PJ Schinella said...

Great post and picture. I'm glad to see that you know where your heart is and what your passion.